Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beware the new effeminate Jesus

By Joseph Chambers
Paw Creek Ministries

Through many years of Bible study I could never understand what Jesus meant by His breathtaking statement, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:5). Since I have watched this Scripture being fulfilled by much of the modern religious world, it now seems clear to me. Jesus was prophesying that false prophets and false religious movements would develop using His name, preach with His name, and even confess faith in His name, but would be serving a different Jesus. I believe He was suggesting that the ultimate deception would be by men and women that actually say, “Jesus is the Christ,” but do so only in name, not in reality.
The New “Jesus” has the same name and is preached or promoted with the same great Bible verses, but bears no recognition to the historic message of the cross. The cross-centered life, where the flesh is crucified and the self-life is denied, has no relationship to the flamboyant Christianity of today that looks more extravagant than Hollywood. The Jesus of the Bible, the risen Lord, who is presently at the Father’s right hand, would be totally repulsed by the worldly hype, the godless singers, and all the fanfare that is the heart of today’s church world. He would march into these unholy temples and drive out the false prophets that preach for wealth and gain. He would call them “vipers” and “hypocrites.” They would hate Him today just like the Pharisees hated Him in their day. Let’s look at a few clear differences between the Son of God Himself and the new “Jesus” of today’s deception.
The new “Jesus” makes people wealthy, famous, and provides them extravagant lifestyles. The crucified Jesus says, “Deny yourself, take up your cross, forsake all, and follow me.” This new “Jesus” says, “Indulge yourself.” The Lord says, “Humble yourself.” The new “Jesus” is a lawless “Jesus.” The commandments of God are out and any standard of Godliness is rejected and even repulsed. The Biblical Jesus plainly said, “He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” (I John 2:4).
The new “Jesus” loves for his followers to be loose, even dress vulgar or at best casual. For the first time in church history, the dress standard for God’s house has become immodest, confusing, and cheap. The new “Jesus” has no standard of right and wrong. The historic Jesus floods human hearts with reverence and even an awesome fear at the very mention of His name. Our Savior still instills in “saved hearts” a beautiful desire to come before Him in purity, holiness, and godly attire. The new “Jesus” loves for women to be Jezebels and for men to be effeminate. Cross-dressing is the love of those where this new “Jesus” has manifested his dark confusion. It is a new “Christianity” where the masculine “Jesus” has become a soft, slick, effeminate “Jesus.”
The true eternal Son of God is absolutely masculine, authoritative, and Sovereign. There is no sign nor sense of weakness, compromise, or effeminacies in Him or His person. Even the effeminate pictures painted by perverted artists are totally out of order in a believer’s home. Do not ever use statues or pictures of Him to visualize or aid you in worship. It is idolatrous and forbidden in Scripture.
The new “Jesus” loves the new music. The “blood” songs are too old-fashioned. Songs about the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, or the Millennial Reign are out and the new dominion songs are in. A favorite is, “Come Ride With Me.” It is a “Manifest Son’s of God” song that has the Son of God replaced by this new “Jesus” that is riding through the land. The new songs are Beatle-type music. Beautiful women seen dancing down the aisles are now said to be “returning the arts to the church.” The music prepares the emotions of these deceived worshippers to receive the spirits of this new “Jesus.” Music is still a marvelous way to worship the Lord of the Church. Our Jesus desires our worship, but will not receive anything but spiritual worship and spiritual music. Soulical music or fleshly music that feeds the appetites of the carnal man cannot be used for our Lord in praise to Him. Our eternal Savior was the Creator of all things and powerful spiritual music was at the core of the Heavenly scene as all creation was planned.
The new “Jesus” says, Take the cross off the wall” so that sinners won’t be offended. The truth is that it isn’t sinners that are offended by the cross; it is the new “Jesus” that is offended. The cross of salvation has been replaced by a false salvation born in hell. The new “Jesus” had to go to hell and be born again instead of dying on the cross. What an absolutely clear picture of what this new “Jesus” really represents. He is an imposter from hell masquerading right in the churches that claim the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The true Lord of the church was crucified on a cross of shame as our substitute. His death decided forever that Satan had lost and was destined for defeat. Satan has used every idea that hell could produce to rob that cross of its glory. Every effort has failed and this last scheme is the devil’s grand finale. It too will fail, but will serve to show the world the final bankruptcy of Satan’s kingdom.
The new “Jesus” wants a worldly kingdom to take over government and to establish authority over the whole earth. He desires earthly power on a grand scale and will stop at nothing to force everyone to be under his control. This new “Jesus” has no moral principles in operating His religious systems. His followers are already talking about wars, military crusades, and kicking people’s b—, etc. as they establish his political system on this earth. The Nazarene we worship has no political design. His kingdom is spiritual and “cometh not with observation” (Luke 17:20) until the time of judgments against sin. It is the Father that will give Him His kingdom and holiness will be the principles of government. The Son of God will sit upon the “Throne of David” and the kingdoms of the world will worship the Lamb of God with everlasting joy.
The New “Jesus” will eventually be manifest as an out and out homosexual. Homosexuality is not just another sin in the long list of sins. Homosexuality is rebellion against the very creation of mankind. It is sin against the “image of God.” It is a form of depravity that confronts God in His very nature as the masculine Creator. This sin will be the heart and soul of Satan’s false kingdom that this new “Jesus” is promoting. Daniel clearly shows this expression of the false “Jesus” and the Antichrist personality in Daniel 11:36-39. The precious Son of God is truly God manifest in the flesh. His nature is divine and every expression of homosexuality will be banished from the face of the New Earth. Jesus is the image of the Father and His new glorified saints will be pure, sinless, and resurrected in His likeness.
The New “Jesus” is spectacular and will do many paranormal things to titillate your flesh. His greatest attraction is the lying wonders that he is already manifesting, but what is to come will be even more convincing to the sign seekers. The few things that are already occurring give us some idea of what he will produce. The characteristics of these paranormal events will best be described as “spectacular nonsense.” Here are a few of the things already occurring:
Angel feathers falling (Angels do not have feathers), Gold dust falling on his worshippers, Gold filling, gold crosses appearing in teeth, Oil appearing in the palms of hands, Drunkenness, wallowing in a stupor, etc, Strange events in church, pulpits split by lightning, sound systems shorting out and lightning system short-circuiting. A perfect way to know that you are worshipping the new “Jesus” is if any of these signs occur to you. If your church is experiencing these signs, your church has changed to worshipping the new “Jesus.”The King of Kings will never titillate your flesh to try to gain your surrender. His Word says, “Come now, and let us reason together (mental activity), saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18). He saves by the preaching of His Word and your acceptance of His gospel. Satan has no beauty, his offer is deceptive and his promises are lies, and he must deceive you into his false religious system. The Lord of Lords is creator of the earth, but His invitation is based on truth and life-changing reality. You must choose Him because you understand who He is and His offer to you.
The new “Jesus” is an “angel of light” from the pit of hell. He will appear on walls and in strange paranormal ways. He will likely appear as some great light or in a strange dream or revelation. Some of the ways this strange “Jesus” appears may sound similar to some Biblical event. Be careful to learn the voice of Scripture because there may well be an event that only a discerning heart can know the truth. The Son of God will always invite you to discern by truth, rightly divided before you commit your soul. Our Redeemer never mixes a little truth with a lot of error. Every expression of the Lord will be pure, totally Biblical and sensible. He never manifests Himself in “spectacular nonsense.” He said, “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” (John 10:14).
The new Jesus loves the many corrupt Bible translations. The new religious crowd hates “absolute truth” and they are arrogant in supporting corrupt versions. This new “Jesus” loves anything that connects the Scripture to the Roman Catholic Church. The constant reduction of Jesus as Divine, the changing of Him as Master to merely a teacher, plus thousands of other changes have been a great plus for the new “Jesus.” The new worshippers have followed the design of the new versions by referring to the Lord Jesus in many cheap ways. Often He is simply called “JC.” Kenneth Copeland said that when he read where Jesus said, “I am,” he just smiled and said, “I am too.”
The Lord Jesus is the Word of God. The written Word, when true to the original text is just as truly the Word in written form as He is the Word in living form. The Apostle John settled who Jesus is in His Gospel. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:1-5). The new “Jesus” is delighted to have Mary as his co-redeemer. Mary and her many false apparitions will continue to gain great popularity. One Catholic priest in Charlotte was speaking to a “Women’s Aglow” meeting. They asked the false priest why Catholics prayed to Mary. He answered, “Mary can con the Father better than Jesus.” I heard these words with my own ears or I would be unwilling to print them. The new “Jesus” is Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelical, Mormon, Islamic, Hindu, etc. all put together. The only group that this new “Jesus” cannot tolerate is Bible-believing fundamentalists. We are hated by every manifestation of this false spirit.
Jesus Christ gave great honor to His earthly mother. She was a genuine saint of God, but she is no greater than any other obedient person. She awaits the resurrection and it is nothing but necromancy (communication with the dead) to suggest that she can talk to you or take you to God. The Son of God clearly rejects all such foolishness about His earthly mother. The new “Jesus” is a sinner-friendly “Jesus.” In fact, the new “Jesus” is also “sin-friendly.” Nothing is to be condemned or rejected by the followers of this “Jesus.” Tolerance is the word they have adopted. This new “Jesus” wants you to let him judge the sin and the sinner, but remember his god is the devil and sin is his character. The Son of God loves the sinner, but comes to him with conviction of sin so the sinner can be redeemed. The first step towards the saving merits of the Lord is to understand that you are a sinner. He will never approach anyone in anything less than His holiness. The true “sinner-friendly” Savior comes in such holiness that the sinner is smitten in guilt. This is the true friend of lost souls.
Conclusion: There are many further differences between the new “Jesus” and the true Jesus. Millions are being deceived. The flesh has no capacity to discern between this titillating “Jesus” that comes in lies and deceiving powers. The Word of God alone is our safety. Every believer has the responsibility to warn souls of this darkness and to help the few that are willing to listen. If Jesus warned of this false or new “Jesus,” then everyone should take the facts seriously. Just because a preacher is smooth, soft, and is kind to you does not prove a thing. Is he preaching the new “Jesus” or is he preaching the old-time truth that saves? There is no excuse for the fact that you do not know better. You can get on your knees right in your own world and surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. Give Him all and be willing to obey all of His Words. “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4).

The Infallible Holy Bible

By Joseph Chambers
Paw Creek Ministries

IF YOU DOUBT THE INFALLIBILITY OF THE HOLY BIBLE THIS IS A MUST READ! The Holy Scripture is the most breathtaking book in the world. Not one nuance was missed as God revealed His revelation to His prophets. Our Heavenly Father was so satisfied with His revelation and its perfection that He promised to preserve it for every generation. “Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, Thou shalt preserve them from this generatio for ever.” (Psalms 12:7) Not only did He promise to preserve it, but He warned men not to corrupt it and leveled a serious judgment upon any man that tampers with His truth. In God’s design, He apparently first settled His Word in Heaven and then progressively poured it into holy vessels to be written down for His church. “Forever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in Heaven.” (Psalm 119:89)
Truth Begins and Ends with Jesus Christ! He is the eternal Word (logos). “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:1-5)
The truth as written in Heaven and revealed by His prophets in the Bible is centered in and totally identified with Jesus Christ as revealed in His flesh. In fact, Apostle John said, “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:4) Imagine a Bible (the Word of God) that is not only a book, but is revealed in a person, the Son of God. The Bible and Jesus Christ are united in essence. Both the “Word” written and the “Living Word” are God’s perfect revelation. Pilate, in speaking with Jesus, asked, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) He asked this question of Jesus because the Son of Man had said, “And for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.” (John 18:37) Jesus had said earlier to His disciples, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” (John 14:6) Jesus Christ is the truth in exactly the same fashion that the Bible is truth. They are inseparable. One is the Person and the other is the perfect revelation of that Person.
The First Testament and Jesus Christ! The Book of Genesis is filled with the person of Jesus Christ. In the very first Chapter of Genesis, Jesus Christ is revealed at least seven times. John the Revelator clearly established that Jesus is the first and the last. John stated, as Jesus had revealed to him, “Saying I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.” (Revelation 1:11) The words, “Alpha and Omega”, are Greek words or letters meaning the same as their Hebrew counterparts, “Aleph and Tau”. Seven times in Genesis, chapter one, as the Scripture deals with creation the “Aleph and Tau” are found in the Hebrew text without being translated. Here is a literal rendering of one verse showing where the Aleph and Tau appear. Remember Alpha and Omega are the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet, while the Aleph and Tau are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Notice this verse, “In the beginning created God (Aleph and Tau) the Heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1, The Interlinear Bible) John clearly stated that the Word created all things and that same Word became flesh in Jesus Christ. Here, we see that “Word” as the Creator in the perfect picture of the creation story itself. This kind of Biblical perfection is found throughout Genesis and the whole Bible.
The Gospel in Genesis! In Genesis Chapter Five we have the Gospel message clearly presented. When the average person reads this chapter they are bored because it appears to be no more than the genealogies of the first ten generations of families. Let’s take a closer look by defining the name of each generation leader and then uniting those names in the text. Adam means man, the first man, and Seth, his son, means appointed. Seth’s son, Enos, means mortal; while his son, Cainan, means sorrow; and his son, Mahalaleel means the blessed of God. Jared was the son of Mahalaleel, which means shall come down; and Jared’s son, Enoch, means teaching. Enoch named his son Methusaleh because God had apparently warned that at his death the great flood would come. Methusaleh means his death shall bring. Lamech was the name of his son, whose name means despairing, clearly describing the condition of the world at that time. Lamech’s son, Noah, was named comfort and rest, because God was going to reveal Himself and comfort mankind.
When you see God’s revelation in this genealogy, the message is overwhelming. “Man, appointed to mortal sorrow, the great God shall come down, teaching, His death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest.” The divine revelations of the “Word” were never wasted. Each word and every verse was placed in Scripture to reveal a perfect manifestation of truth. No wonder Jesus quoted Moses by saying, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ‘every’ word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3) The Bible is a perfect whole.
The Torah or Pentateuch! The first five books of the Bible are called the Torah. It’s amazing to look at this significant word. To the Jews the Torah is the most sacred books of the Bible. Remember, Torah in English is spelled with five letters, but in the Hebrew language it consists of only four Hebrew characters. The four Hebrew letters spelling Torah were Resh (Reysh), Vau, Tau, and Hey. When they were written, each letter had an original meaning. The four letters mean the following: Resh – Head, Vaul – Nail, Tau – Cross, and He – Reveals.Every time a Jewish person names or writes the name of his sacred text, he is declaring that the Head of that text was nailed to a cross and revealed the mercy and truth of that sacred revelation.
The Torah Contains Incredible Mysteries! A recent article appeared in the Bible Review publication entitled, “Divine Authorship?” This article was a review of the work of Jewish scholars, Doran Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg, of the Jerusalem College of Technology and the Hebrew University. The title of their work, which was printed in the eminent Journal Of The Royal Statistical Society, was “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis.” These authors, who are mathematical statisticians, have discovered words encoded in the Hebrew text that cannot be accidental. Their work was from the Textus Receptus or Masoretic text. The author of this review, Jeffrey B. Satinover, explained the results as following:
“This in effect is what the researchers have found embedded in the Hebrew text of the Torah – a whole series of meaningful word-pairs in close proximity, something that they demonstrate cannot have happened by chance. These words they found in close proximity are not simply the words of the text (as would be the case in the analogy above of an unknown potential language). They were rather words composed of letters selected at various equal skip distances, for example, every second or third or fourth letter. It was as though “behind” the surface meaning of the Hebrew there was a second, hidden level of embedded meaning.” (“Divine Authorship?”, Bible Review, October 1995, p. 29) Mr. Satinover then explained how they used a combination of words related in life or history to show that the Biblical text revealed a prior consciousness of every human event.
I will let him describe it. “…the researchers…found the pair Zedekiah (a sixth century B.C.E. king of Judah), and Matanya, Zedekiah’s original name (see 2 Kings 24:17); and the pair Hanukkah (the Jewish festival that commemorates the re-dedication of the Temple after it was recaptured from the Assyrians in the second century B.C.E.) and Hasmoneans (the family name of the leaders of the Jewish forces that managed to wrest the Temple from the Assyrian monarch Antiochus IV Epiphanes).” Note that these names and events found encoded in the text of the Torah involved people who lived, and events that occurred, long after the Torah was composed, whether by a divine or human hand. “In their 1988 paper, the researchers selected, at random, 300 such Hebrew word-pairs with obviously related meanings, and looked for the words embedded in the text by treating the entire book of Genesis as a long cryptographic string. They would start at the beginning until they came to the first letter, then look to see if a second letter could be found two letters away. If so, they then looked for the third letter two letters away; if not, they stopped and searched for the next appearance of the first letter and repeated the process.”
“They continued until they found an occurrence of the entire word spelled out at every second letter. If not, they performed the same procedure looking at every third letter instead. “In this fashion they searched first every other letter, then every third, and so on (including reverse order). When they found the first instance (that is, at the minimum skip distance, and measured its proximity within the text-string to the first. They did this for all 300 word-pairs.” (Ibid, pp.30-31)
According to information in this review, the possibility of this happening by chance was less than 1 in 50 quadrillion. In fact, a public statement was offered by eminent scholars here in America as reported, “Following publication of this paper, a public statement was issued, signed by five mathematical scholars – two from Harvard, two from Hebrew University and one from Yale. ‘The present work,’ they said, ‘represents serious research carried out by serious investigators.’” (Ibid, p.31) Great Jewish scholars have contended that the Torah contains all knowledge. One such gentleman, Rabbi Gaon of the 18th century, stated, “All that was, is, and will be unto the end of time is included in the Torah…and not merely in a general sense, but including the details of every species and of each person individually, and the most minute details of everything that happened to him from the day of his birth until his death.” (Ibid.)
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, said it even plainer, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till Heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:17-19)
Revival is Absolutely Dependent on a Revival of the Scripture! The Holy Bible is the most incredible book in the world. It is literally a God-breathed book and is so powerful that it must be destroyed or diminished before the devil can accomplish one dark deed in his activities. The opposite is true if we want a revival in the church. There can be no victory or revival until the Word of God is returned to its rightful glory. All of our attention in this article so far has been in the First Testament. The Second or New Testament would be impossible without the first. When you grasp the absolute perfection of the thirty-seven books in this first portion of God’s Holy Word, then the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the New Testament message has even greater authority and meaning to you.
The Perfect Harmony of the Two Testaments! God chose Hebrew as the language of the First Testament and Greek as the language of the Second Testament. These two languages have tremendous similarities. There are identical numbers of characters (counting the one added to perfect each alphabet) in each language, and the two languages carry the exact same numerical values for the characters or letters. The only two languages that have this perfect identity and the exact numerical pattern are Hebrew and Greek. Remember, God distributed the languages Himself and carefully prepared these two vehicles for conveying His revelations.
First, let’s show the perfect harmony in these two books by looking at God’s fingerprints from Genesis to Revelation. The number thirty-seven has been called the fingerprint of God. Throughout the entire Bible this number and the multiple representatives identify the many expressions of the person of God. The number for “Jesus” in Greek is 888 or 37 x 24. While thirty-seven signifies the Word of God or His fingerprint, twenty-four is the number of priesthood. Jesus is the unity of both God and the priesthood, and the numerical value perfectly supports the same and unites the First and Second Testaments into one Holy Bible.
“In the beginning God,” the first four words of the Bible, is Brayshith Elohim in Hebrew with a multiple numerical value of 999 or 37 x 27. Bethlehem, the place of birth for the Son of God is mentioned thirty-seven times in the First Testament, but only eight times in the New Testament. Of course, God’s purpose for eight times in the Second Testament is because eight is the number of New Beginning, New Birth or the New Creation. Let me list a few expressions of the Lord Jesus and show the numerical values in multiples of thirty-seven.
2 Cor. 4:4 – Christ, who is the image of God = 37 x 105
2 Cor. 4:4 – Image of God = 37 x 37
2 Cor. 4:4 – God = 37 x 15
2 Thess. 2:1 – Lord = 37 x 37
Mark 12:29 – The Lord God is one Lord = 37 x 72
Col. 3:24 – The Lord Jesus Christ = 37 x 120
Rev. 22:20 – Lord Jesus = 37 x 33
Phil. 2:9 – And gave Him a name which is above every name = 37 x 108
2 Pet. 1:17 – This is My beloved Son = 37 x 111
Luke 20:13 – My beloved Son = 37 x 42
1 John 4:9 – God sent His only begotten Son into the world = 37 x 120
1 John 4:9 – His only begotten Son = 37 x 54
Gal. 2:20 – The Son of God = 37 x 66
John 10: 36 – I am the Son of God = 37 x 54

(A Scientific Approach to Biblical Mysteries, Dr. Robert W. Faid, pp. 28-29)
Dr. Robert Faid, a nuclear scientist and a consultant to nuclear power industries said, “As you can see, this theomatic number 37 seems to appear whenever God wants to point out something very special, and this happens throughout the Bible, both in the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament. Could this be a mere coincidence? I’ll let you decide. I computed the probability of only the eighteen features of 37 we have examined. The probability of just these eighteen multiples of the number 37 appearing by chance is: 1 in 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.” (Ibid. p. 29) He further stated: “Even with our most powerful computers of today it would be utterly impossible to formulate one language whose alphabet could be used to write a single typewritten page containing the type of mathematical design we find in two languages and alphabets running through our entire Bible. The significance of this is awesome!” (Ibid. p.32)
The New Beginning in Jesus! In the section above I noted that thirty-seven is the fingerprint of God in the entire Bible. Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ the Son of man, was named thirty-seven times in the First Testament, but eight times in the Second Testament. Eight is the Biblical numeric of new beginning, a new era and a regeneration of all things. It was Noah, the eighth person, (2 Peter 2:5), who led eight individuals from the ark to begin the repopulation of the earth. Circumcision was the foreshadow of the new regeneration in Jesus Christ and was performed on the eighth day after birth.
The name Jesus divisible by thirty-seven (37 x 24 = 888), represents God’s fingerprint on the entire Bible, but is also divisible by eight (8 x 111 = 888) representing the new beginning of His sacrifice at Calvary. His resurrection was on the eighth day and now His bride, the church, worships Him on the eighth day. The eighth day is a confirmation of His covenant with the New Testament church and our covenant to glory in Jesus Christ and His cross alone.
Greek numbers are shown to absolutely harmonize with Hebrew numbers to prove the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Jesus is spelled IHEOYE in Greek. The following chart is represented from Messiah, a book by Grant R. Jeffreys, (page 79):
Numeric Value of Names of Jesus! JESUS = IHEOYE = 888 (I = 10, H = 8, E = 200, O = 70, Y = 400, E = 200, Jesus = 888) Other Names of Jesus, Christ = 1480 (8 x 185), Emmanuel = 25600 (8 x 3200), Lord = 800 (8 x 100), Messiah = 656 (8 x 85) Saviour = 1408 (8 x 176)
The Lord Jesus and His Resurrection! The Lord Jesus Christ was God’s Passover Lamb in perfect fulfillment of the Passover Feast held in Egypt on Nisan 14th. To the Egyptians it was Nisan 13th because the heathen calendar did not change until midnight, but the Jewish calendar changed at sundown (typically 6:00 pm). (This is the origination of Friday the 13th being an unholy day. To the Bible believer there is no such thing as luck or being unlucky.) The heathen’s Friday the 13th was the Jewish Friday the 14th. The next day began this Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasts seven days. During these seven days of the feast of Unleavened Bread, a regular seventh day Sabbath occurred. On the day after the regular Jewish Sabbath they were to offer a “he” lamb as a Feast of the Firstfruits unto the Lord. Originally in Egypt, the dates were Passover, Nisan 14th; the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was Nisan 15th and the regular Sabbath or the Eighty day was Nisan 17th. The Jewish multitudes, led by Moses, crossed the Red Sea on dry ground on Nisan 17th. As God gave them a new beginning, He also slew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea on that same day of Nisan 17th.
As we move forward to Jerusalem and the death of Jesus Christ, He was the perfect fulfillment to the very day. He was crucified on Nisan 14th and resurrected on Nisan 17th, the first day of the week or the eighth day by Jewish reckoning. Every jot and tittle of the prophets was fulfilled in His birth, life, death and resurrection. The two testaments became one book by this finished act of redemption. The Word of God is by this death signed in holy blood and covenanted to those who by faith receive His promises. Only God could have perfected the promised sacrifice of the kinsman Redeemer in this absolute fulfillment to the day.
The Easter (Ishtar) Confusion! An incredible documentation of Holy Scripture is found in the Book of Acts. Often critical reviews have used this Scripture to question the infallibility of the Received Text. Rather than create a question, it supports the precision of the Holy Spirit of truth. The Scripture says,“And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.” (Acts 12:4)
Some people argue that this was an error in translation. This word, Easter, they say, should have been translated Passover. If you will notice verse three (3), it says that Peter’s arrest was during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Passover occurs the day before the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins so that Peter’s arrest was after the Passover. Herod is said to have intended to slay him after Easter, which was a completely different celebration than Passover. It was a heathen event that would have been important to Herod and his court of Roman soldiers and leaders.
This pagan festival is appropriately described by Dr. Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D. He stated, “Easter, as we know it, comes from the ancient pagan festival of Astarte. Also known as Ishtar (pronounced ‘Easter’). This festival has always been held late in the month of April. It was, in its original form, a celebration of the earth ‘regenerating’ itself after the winter season. The festival involved a celebration of reproduction. For this reason the common symbols of Easter festivities were the rabbit (the same symbol as ‘Playboy’ magazine), and egg. Both are known for their reproductive abilities. At the center of attention was Astarte, the female deity. She is known in the Bible as the “queen of Heaven” (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-25). She is the mother of Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14) who was also her husband! These perverted rituals would take place at sunrise on Easter morning. (Ezekiel 8:13-16) From the references in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, we can see that the true Easter has never had any association with Jesus Christ.” (The Answer Book, Dr.Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D., pp.3-4) The Word of God stands untouched and undefiled after all the foray by her enemies.
Conclusion! Every individual that accepts the Holy Scripture as the infallible Word of God and actually submits his total person to its authority will be transformed by its powers. This Word is God-speech. It is God-breathed and God-preserved. The power of the Holy Spirit is shut up in its revelations and is unleashed every time you allow it to become the absolute authority in your life. When the God-called preacher man lives in this Book until his sermons reflect the oracles of God instead of the opinions of men, his preaching will be dynamic.
The laymen of our churches will be transformed when our preachers get back to the Book. Laymen and laywomen, don’t wait! If the preacher fails to act, you get into this Book, accepting its absolute message and revelation. God is no respecter of persons. Any man and/or woman that dares to believe and acts on this infallible revelation will be used of God to bring revival. Your life and family will be brought back to God and your community will see a display of truth. The only hope of the church in its search for meaning is the God-given revelation of Scripture. Jesus will not be revealed on church walls in esoteric emotions and flamboyant displays. He certainly does not manifest Himself in icons and idols. Isaiah said, “I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” (Isaiah 42:8) He is the Word and His Written Word is His language. If you refuse His Words from the Holy Book, He has no other method of speech. The Holy Spirit confirms His Word, but never replaces it.